Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a shitty way to end the month (March profit $1072)

I guess I finally ran into the crazy variance that everyone on 2+2 told me I'd see from super turbos. Started off wining 200+ running way above EV. But that was followed buy a 400+ downswing and even though I made 100 of it back, I lost it right back. Really disappointed to end the month that way and also disappointed I only put in 88 hours. I made iron status today so I'm gonna play on stars for the next few days. This past week really has me questioning whether I should stick with super turbos. I feel like I played the same this week as I had before, but my redline and green line both took nosedives. Hopefully a couple of days away do me some good.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Getting used to the WIZ

This week was really streaky. As you can see by my graph, not only was my profit up and down, but also was my redline. Until this week, my redline had remained steadily positve despite the ups and downs of my greenline. I don't know if the change in my redline this week was just the natural variance that is inherent in super turbos, or if the new shoving and calling ranges that wiz is saying is profitable are actually not as profitable. Wiz is telling me to shove almost any two cards in bvb situations at the 15/30 lvl. I'm starting to think that while shoving these hands may be more profitable than folding them, limping and playing postflop might be more profitable than either. Once I get a bigger sample of hands saved in HEM, I'm going to see exactly what range of hands opponents are calling with in that situation and adjust my shoving ranges accordingly.

I won the most profit bet against the dude I was competeting against; kind of. With one day left I was ahead about $180 to -$60. Dude then emails me saying a freak accident caused his monitor to break and he asked if he could have any extra day in the future to finish it. I told him he could but I see hes played another 20 games since then and has logged on to 2+2 but hasnt told me when he is gonna play his last day. It's starting to look like he knew he was gonna lose and is just trying to get out of paying me the 50 bucks he will/does owe me. Whatever, I guess thats what I get for not escrowing this bet vs a dude with only 12 posts. Knowing that the rep his FT sn will be on every forum and stat tracking site is worth 50 bucks to me. BTW, his tilt sn is darkai il and his 2+2 sn is darkAI.

I only put in 20 hours last week. St Patricks day and the beginning of the NCAA tournament and my brothers coming into town, along with my general laziness, is prob the reason for that. My hourly was also pretty shitty but luckily I invested in a couple guys who did really well in some sets of 45mans which added an extra 70bucks to my weekly profit. Hopefully I can put in 30 hours this week and another 5 reviewing my games in HEM and WIZ.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What goes up...

(First graph is mtd and second graph is this past week.)

I gave back all the AIEV i was up last week. Put in 25 hours but barely made 10/hour even after rakeback. Ran pretty shitty after I got it in obv, and also feel like I was getting coolered a bunch but theres no way to check that and I'm sure most players feel that way all the time so whatever. Really happy with the volume I put in, just wish I could have had some better results.

Finally ponied up the hundred bucks and bought sngwiz. Definitely think it's gonna end up being well worth it. I think the ranges it gives are wrong and that might have me playing a little more agro than I should right now, but it is really helping me look at the game in an entire new way.

Have a prop bet with a twoplustwo member next week. Most profit in a 3day period, him playing the 3.8 9 mans and me playing the 6man 7.8s. Were multiplying his profits and rb by 1.725 to level the playing field. From his stats he seems to be a good player and able to grind so it should be a good little competition and good motivation to get some 10 hour days in. The bet is only for 50 bucks so even if I lose the bet, I'm sure Ill win in that I'll have made well more than I would have this week sans the motivation.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The variance of super turbos

(Graph for this week. For those that dont know, green line is profit, redline is what profit would be if youd had nuetral luck in your allins, and blue line is real profit plus bonuses and rb. You can probably tell from the graph when I felt like I was the best player in the world and when i wanted to hang myself.)

What a roller coaster week. I started off running hotter than the sun. After being below EV for the few weeks I'd had HEM, I didnt know it was possible to run good. Then after the first few days this week I was like 300 bucks over EV. Of course the hammer had to drop and I lost about 250 in a couple hours. Made some of it back and Im still running decently over EV for the week, so I cant complain.

Only put in 16 hours so far this week. I've discovered its really hard to grind the hours regardless of how Im running. When I'm crushing the games, I dont want to put in more time because I've already made what I need for the week. When I'm running like shit, I dont want to play because I dont want to take any more beats. Maybe if I just run normal I'll be motivated to grind. Going to watch the Duke/UNC game with some friends and then going out tonight so Ill be surprised if I end up putting in more than 20 hours this week.

Through a FT promotion, I have a free membership to cardrunners. Their collection of sng vids is pretty small, but ive watched a few. Has given me some good insights and made me realize that I need to shell out the money and buy sngwiz.