Thursday, December 31, 2009


2010 Poker Goals

Non Poker- To accomplish the goals I want to in poker, I need to have my mind and body right. I need to get and stay in good physical shape. My goal will to be to run at least 3 miles at least 5 times a week. I need to do yoga and meditate everyday as well. Eating healthy is also a must. I need to stop eating fast and junk food. I’ve noticed that since I stopped working out and eating right, I’ve been tilting and becoming upset with poker a lot more than I had before. Hopefully making these lifestyle changes will help.

Poker- Last year was a successful one, but If I’m going to do this for a decent living, I need to take it a lot more seriously. I need to find the most profitable games and times to play and play them on a regular schedule. I also need to keep my own detailed stats of results. I am going to start the month playing Double or Nothings on Stars and FR cash games on FTP. I will play the 10s on Stars and start at 12 tabling 10NL. I hope to try out some 180 mans and MTTs eventually but to start I’m just going to play these. My bigger goals are to make platinum star every month and also make Supernova by the end of the year on Stars. I don’t really know about FTPs VIP programs so I’ll have to figure that out later. I’d really like to make 40k overall from poker, rakeback and bonuses. I made around 15k this year and I really feel like if I can put in the hours and play my A game and focus, that it can be accomplished.
Sun DONs 11am-4pm
Wed Cash noon- 5pm DONs 8-11
Thurs Cash noon- 5pm DONs 8-11
Fri DONs 5pm-1030
Sat DONs 2pm-8pm


  1. Couldnt be said any better man. Inconsistant play has killed me. Good Luck in 2010!

  2. Thx man you too. Try and schedule your sessions around me if you can:)
