After the first few days of this month, I was starting to think that I might have my first losing month in over 2 years. Despite the rough time I had ending last month and beginning this one, I've managed to turn it around and am probably gonna hit right around where i have been each month. Have been running extremely hot at the 5.30s. Havent played anything else on FT, but I've played a few 9 and 6 max standard turbos on stars. Done ok in those. It's hard readjusting to Stars software and layout, and also hard to sit through a 40 minutes sng when I'm used to ones ending in 9 minutes.
Brag posts are pretty lame, but I just experienced something pretty nuts I had to put on paper (so to speak). I was gonna just do a quick session of 7 and ran about as good as is humanly possible. I won 5 of them and got 2nd in the other too. $82 in 15 minutes is not too shabby. It was almost completely luck and happens once every 1000 sessions so I'm not bragging that I did it as much as it happened to me and thought it was kinda cool.

I'd love to put in 6 hour days the last 3 days this month and reach 100 hours, but i dont see that happening with the weekend coming up. Prob 4 each will be more realistic. Gonna make iron again this month which is my 4th in a row so my bonus should be around 50 bucks and i have around 30 bucks of ftps to spend as well. Really feeling a lot better ending this month than when I started it.
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