(First image is total MTD. Bottom is the new $5.30 6max st and the one on the right is my results from the $3.8 9man sts.)
Started off this month pretty much like I ended last month. Dropped around 200 in the first few days. I dropped back down to the 3.80s to regroup and considered switching formats. Luckily I snapped out of it and am now positive for the month and have made back what I lost in that sick downswing last month. I know honestly believe that one needs 10k games in the super turbos before he can have any real idea of what the swings are gonna be like.
I feel like I'm finally getting good at using Wiz and HEM to analyze my games. I think some of my downswing might have been caused by misusing Wiz and shoving too wide in some spots. I've watched a lot of vids on Stox and CR and they have really showed me the best way to review your play after a session, along with a ton of other pointers.
I finally got tired of hooking my laptop up to a monitor so I shelled out 600 bucks for a new one. I'm such a nit and hate paying retail for anything but I didnt feel like buying on ebay and waiting for shipping or cruising craigslist and dealing with all that bs. I got a toshiba which has the new intel processor and a shitload of ram. I'm now able to play as many tables as I want on tilt wo freezing which is really gonna help my hourly.
Just yesterday ft changed their superturbos. Instead of the 1 3 7 and 14 dollar buyin levels, they now have 1 2 5 10 20 etc. They also reduced the rake on them by quite a bit. I've only played the 5.30s, both because Im still mentally recovering from my last downswing and dont think i could handle a 400 drop right now, and its looking like the 14 regs are dropping down to the 10s instead of moving up to the 20s. I'm fine with the 5s for now, both because they are insanely soft and because I am running like god. I played some of the 9man sup turbos before the buyins changed and did fairly well. Im gonna try to mix some more of those in but for now Im prob just gonna focus on the 6mans.
I know I shouldnt complain about lower rake, but it is making it harder to get the 200 ftps I need a day for the rest of the month to keep my ironman status. It's prob a good thing since its forcing me to play at least 3 hours, but Im a lazy fuck so of course I dont like it.
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