(First graph is mtd and second graph is this past week.)
I gave back all the AIEV i was up last week. Put in 25 hours but barely made 10/hour even after rakeback. Ran pretty shitty after I got it in obv, and also feel like I was getting coolered a bunch but theres no way to check that and I'm sure most players feel that way all the time so whatever. Really happy with the volume I put in, just wish I could have had some better results.
Finally ponied up the hundred bucks and bought sngwiz. Definitely think it's gonna end up being well worth it. I think the ranges it gives are wrong and that might have me playing a little more agro than I should right now, but it is really helping me look at the game in an entire new way.
Have a prop bet with a twoplustwo member next week. Most profit in a 3day period, him playing the 3.8 9 mans and me playing the 6man 7.8s. Were multiplying his profits and rb by 1.725 to level the playing field. From his stats he seems to be a good player and able to grind so it should be a good little competition and good motivation to get some 10 hour days in. The bet is only for 50 bucks so even if I lose the bet, I'm sure Ill win in that I'll have made well more than I would have this week sans the motivation.
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