Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mid Month Update

Still running under EV, but making some decent profit so far this month. I missed a bunch of days going down to LA, so I cant miss any more days if I want to make iron this month. I've also only played 45 hours so far so I need to step it up I want to match my 100 hours from last month. I havent played on stars at all this month, but I'm gonna start getting back into MTTs on there, and am selling some of my action to reduce variance and help me play more comfortably. Probably gonna play some 9mans while grinding MTTs so Im not "wasting" that time $/hour wise. Here's my graph from this month and also my graph from all the $5.3 6max sts I've played so far on tilt.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don't call it a comeback

But the last couple days have been a nice upswing. Finally got back in the black for the month. Really liking my grind ethic for the month. Gonna go over 1k game for the month tomorrow. Upswing and updated MTD graphs below.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Off to a bad start/ aka sickest runbad of my life

Been a sick couple of days. Got off to a good start but the last 400 games or so have just been disgusting. At one point I was ~65 BIs under EV over 300 or so games. Starting to snap out of it but still negative for the month from just profit. Havent played any on stars cause I didnt leave that much online because of June 1st and dropping 300 bucks right off but a major dent in my online roll. What really pisses me off is that my redline has been nice and steady the entire month. I've grinded though my badluck and think I've kept at least close to my A game, but I think i have been making a few frustration calls and some lack of concentration plays. My plan is to get my ironman for the month and then move some money over to stars to grind 9mans for the rest of the month. If I can win another 150 bucks before then, ill be able to xfer enough over to stars to have 50 BIs for the 6.50s and leave enough on FT to have 60 BIs for the STs. Have a nice rakeback xfer coming this friday so hopefully by then ill have enough to not worry about my online roll. Here is my play for the month. FML.

May wrapup

Never got around to posting my may results, but better late than never I guess. I put in over 100 hours for the first month ever, but had my worst $/hour month ever. A lot of it was running bad, but I think I might have played a little bad too. Here are my stars and ft graphs, in that order.

I think the super turbos may be drying up but it could just be variance. My green line is leveling out but my redline is still going strong so I guess that's all that matters. Just found out Tilt has a midyear ironman bonus. As long as I make iron this month, Ill get 500 bonus to clear. Nice surprise.